Alexei Navalny Lives
Putin wants Alexei Navalny isolated to attenuate his influence, even from prison, in Russia’s presidential election in March. Some residual ideal news for braveness in 2023: Alexei Navalny is alive and has been located in a a lot-off prison colony. His group of workers says the main opponent of Vladimir Putin’s despotism was moved with

Putin wants Alexei Navalny isolated to attenuate his influence, even from prison, in Russia’s presidential election in March.
Some residual ideal news for braveness in 2023: Alexei Navalny is alive and has been located in a a lot-off prison colony. His group of workers says the main opponent of Vladimir Putin’s despotism was moved with out announcement to a detention heart called the Polar Wolf in the far flung Arctic space of Yamalo-Nenets. This a frozen, isolated dwelling known for a couple of of the most brutal stipulations in the Putin-period gulag.
The context for his isolation is the Russian presidential election scheduled for March 17. There’s no chance Mr. Putin will lose in the rigged political system. But before Mr. Navalny disappeared, he and his group of workers launched a campaign to explain that Mr. Putin is a lot less neatly-liked than the Kremlin claims.
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