After ‘helluva lag,’ McHenry talks 2024 agenda

House Financial Services and products Chair Patrick McHenry, who plans to retire at the tip of his time length, is getting ready to ramp up work on cryptocurrency regulation, money laundering rules and China coverage in his final year in set aside of enterprise. | Francis Chung/POLITICO House Financial Services and products Chair Patrick McHenry

After ‘helluva lag,’ McHenry talks 2024 agenda

House Financial Services and products Chair Patrick McHenry, who plans to retire at the tip of his time length, is getting ready to ramp up work on cryptocurrency regulation, money laundering rules and China coverage in his final year in set aside of enterprise. | Francis Chung/POLITICO

House Financial Services and products Chair Patrick McHenry isn’t planning to flit thru his final year in set aside of enterprise.

The North Carolina Republican in an interview Friday outlined a series of predominant legislative and oversight targets that he’ll be driving over the next several months, as he faces a important window to cement his legacy. McHenry plans to step down at the tip of his time length after twenty years in set aside of enterprise.

First issues first

McHenry acknowledged his top precedence is to plod and model regulations on cryptocurrency, files privacy and capital formation.

He acknowledged he’s working with House management to search out floor time for landmark crypto payments that will revamp the digital asset powers of the SEC and CFTC and also situation up a fresh appropriate model pathway for stablecoins.

McHenry acknowledged his biggest scenario on the crypto payments is “politics.” He acknowledged Senate Banking Chair Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who indulge in pushed assist on his proposals, are leaving shoppers worse off.

“It’s superb a quiz of getting sufficient floor time and center of attention from policymakers to behold why we need market construction, why we desire a definition, why we need regulators which would be entirely empowered and why that’s true for capital formation, why that’s true for shopper protection,” he acknowledged. “What we need is broader engagement. And on all these insurance policies, cherish with China and with digital assets, a important scenario is training.”

McHenry acknowledged recent Treasury Department suggestions to bolster crypto anti-money laundering rules are “problematic.”

“But they’re showing that there is a need for congressional action to carry readability right here,” he acknowledged. “I welcome that, and I welcome the dialog on the superb model skill and a balanced skill.”

As well, McHenry is working with Foreign Affairs Chair Michael McCaul (R-Texas) and Pick out Committee on the CCP Chair Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) to hash out a compromise on the superb technique to police capital flows to China by the tip of the first quarter.

McCaul and his allies are backing regulations that will restrict U.S. funding in certain sectors of China’s economic system, including AI and quantum computing. McHenry desires to make utilize of firm-particular sanctions as a replacement.

He acknowledged he opposes McCaul’s bill.

“It’s a deeply inaccurate skill that limits American industry and doesn’t if reality be told indulge in a stable enact against China,” he acknowledged.

Republicans on the choice aspect, who’re battling for restrictions on outbound funding into China, state McHenry is outnumbered. But he’s no longer backing down.

“They thought they may perhaps per chance per chance moreover roll me and state obnoxious issues about me within the press and I would cave,” he acknowledged. “They’ll state obnoxious issues if they wish, but that doesn’t gain their coverage true or efficient.”

What’s subsequent for Financial Services and products

McHenry is planning to tee up a series of extra oversight and legislative targets within the first quarter. January’s center of attention will most certainly be on “rogue regulators,” followed by work in February on “holding unsuitable actors responsible” and a March emphasis on American competitiveness.

— “We’re going to initiate with a highlight on rogue regulators from this administration: the capital rule, the Basel Endgame, the climate rulemaking and the regulatory agenda of the Securities and Commerce Commission.”

— “Then we’ll indulge in a enthusiastic center of attention on AML-BSA insurance policies and China’s abuse of the arena finance map. So a model of center of attention on OFAC and FinCEN and how we put into effect sanctions, how we manufacture economic statecraft and how we supply protection to against money laundering at house.”

— “Then we wish to pivot into how we give a take to our competitiveness. That too entails the Basel Endgame, the rulemaking of the administration and also what we watch to model to gain the economic system better” by skill of coverage.

The “opening act” will indulge in a heavy emphasis on oversight but regulations is also planned, including on sanctions and anti-money laundering rules.

Why now?

When requested why he’s retiring, McHenry acknowledged it’s been a “key year in my service in Congress” and a “helluva lag,” after being a central player in electing a speaker and then temporarily serving within the submit himself. He also cited GOP committee time length limits, which mean he wouldn’t be in a situation to address serving because the Financial Services and products committee’s top Republican after 2024 with out attempting to fetch a waiver.

“Republican time length limits are impactful and subject, and they also’re true for the institution and for the Republican convention,” he acknowledged. “It’s a obtain procure. In my circumstance, I knew that used to be the deal going in.”

“I’m no longer down on the institution whatsoever,” he added.

What he’ll model after leaving set aside of enterprise

“I’m initiate to what comes subsequent and in seeing what’s accessible,” he acknowledged. “But I knew I needed to gain the determination and shut this chapter sooner than figuring out the next. If truth be told.”

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