Construction beginning soon for new U-HAUL facility in Maricopa

In Maricopa, an expansive U-Haul venture spanning 10 acres is making strides toward city authorization. The proposed development situated on West Honeycutt Road near North Jericho Road is set to encompass structures totaling 25,372 square feet.
Part of the plan involves maintaining an access road that leads to a nearby postal facility, effectively intersecting the new development and catering to U-Haul’s operational needs.
According to City Manager Rick Horst’s annual building report, the envisioned two-story structures are intended to house regional corporate offices for U-Haul staff members. However, the scope extends beyond office spaces. Rudy Lopez, the City of Maricopa’s director of development services, detailed that the project comprises retail spaces, storage units, and a rental facility.
Lopez further explained that the proposal is awaiting final approval pending a resubmission for the third city review. He emphasized that the ultimate green light hinges on the completion of this subsequent review.
Expressing readiness to commence construction, Paul Jones, a contractor involved in the project, conveyed eagerness to begin. Already, a construction office trailer occupies the graded site, indicating the imminent initiation of construction activities.
Jones conveyed a sense of anticipation, indicating that the commencement date primarily relies on the city’s approval of the final plans. He expressed openness to getting started “any day, any month at this point.”
This impending U-Haul development not only signifies a physical expansion but also holds promise for economic growth and employment opportunities within Maricopa.