Three women accused of stealing $24K of merchandise

Glendale police have arrested three women accused of shoplifting thousands of dollars worth of merchandise from stores throughout the Valley.
On Nov. 28, the Glendale Police Department Foothills Investigation Team conducted surveillance on 41-year-old Jihana Jones, 25-year-old Quintana Curtis, and 20-year-old Renae Molett, who were all suspected of multiple shopliftings in Glendale and three other cities. Police say they stole a total of $23,984 in merchandise, and over $5,000 worth of items was found in their vehicle at the time of their arrest.
According to police, the three women admitted to stealing and reselling the items on OfferUp and Facebook Marketplace to make a profit. Police say the arrest of Jones, Molett and Curtis closed eight separate cases from four jurisdictions. All suspects were booked on multiple counts of organized retail theft and trafficking of stolen property.
In November, the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office launched the “Safe Shopping” Campaign to help stop organized retail crime. The campaign features a website with the latest arrests and cases. To learn more, click here.