OpenBSD Desktop


:.: OpenBSD Desktop

Yes, that is the Twelve months of the OpenBSD Desktop!

I’m a minimalist, and I tend to always tackle it as runt as I can, so I strive to exercise allI really absorb in rotten (if it fits), plus pointless to declare every other instruments wished.

My frequent record is:

At perfect I unslack myself and tried to write some C code to convert my outdated termbar into a unusual one in C. There could be silent loads to repair and regulate, but to this level it really works on my machines andit reveals all I need and select without any uncommon error.

termbar in C

Yes, I cherish anime and these colours are searching for to emulate the eva 01my .Xresourcesappears to be like something cherish this:

!!! Colours*color0: rgb:2a/3b/4d*color1: rgb:c4/67/6c*color2: rgb:66/ff/66*color3: rgb:ff/ff/66*color4: rgb:15/f4/ee*color5: rgb:9c/6c/d3*color6: rgb:4b/8f/77*color7: rgb:9f/a2/a6*color8: rgb:55/79/9c*color9: rgb:c4/67/6c*color10: rgb:66/ff/66*color11: rgb:ff/ff/66*color12: rgb:15/f4/ee*color13: rgb:9c/6c/d3*color14: rgb:4b/8f/77*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff*color16: rgb:ff/99/66 # Base 09*color17: rgb:bb/64/a9 # Base 0F*color18: rgb:3d/56/6f # Base 01*color19: rgb:4b/69/88 # Base 02*color20: rgb:7e/90/a3 # Base 04*color21: rgb:d6/d7/d9 # Base 06

My console is xterm(1) and I really make no longer neednoteworthy better than that, my bits for it within the .Xresources are:

!!! XtermXTerm*background: blackXTerm*foreground: rgb:9f/a2/a6XTerm*eightBitInput: falseXTerm*loginShell: trueXTerm*scrollBar: falseXTerm*saveLines: 2000XTerm*faceName: dejavu sans mono:size=12XTerm*internalBorder: 10XTerm*locale: trueXTerm*pointerMode: 2XTerm*allowTitleOps: trueXTerm*termName: xterm-256color

I even absorb some appreciate for termbar in there, whichwill point out the just font, size, and so forth:

!!! termbartermbar*faceName: dejavu sans mono:size=12termbar*geometry: 3840x1+0+0termbar*internalBorder: 6termbar*saveLines: 0termbar*locale: truetermbar*scrollBar: falsetermbar*title: termbar

These are colours, and I really absorb my “setup” on my .xsessionI really absorb it comely noteworthy allcommented to here it’s a ways:

#!/bin/sh -x## Cleanup stuff on exitcleanup() {        pkill -9 sctd        pkill -9 xidle        pkill -9 lock        rm -rf ~/TorBrowser-Data        rm -f ~/.Xauthority        rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash        chmod 700 ~}. $HOME/.profile## Load coloursxrdb -merge $HOME/.Xresources## DBusif [ -x /usr/local/bin/dbus-launch -a -z "${DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS}" ]; then        eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-x11`fi## fontsxset -b &for font in /usr/local/share/fonts/*; do        xset +fp "${font}"        donexset fp rehash## Fix resolutionxrandr --dpi 96## Turn off micsndioctl input.mute=1sndioctl input.level=0.0## Turn down soundsndioctl output.level=0.0## External Monitor## this is the output## of arandr to arrange## my monitor~/bin/monitores # Select Keyboard layout## depending on the hostif [ X`hostname`=X"tomato" ]; then        setxkbmap jpelse        setxkbmap defi## LANGexport LANG=en_US.UTF-8export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8## Browser shitzexport MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1export MOZ_ACCELERATED=1export MOZ_WEBRENDER=1## WASM for Chromiumexport ENABLE_WASM=1## jp## ctrl+space## F6 & F7 hiragana -> katakanaexport GTK_IM_MODULE="xim"export QT_IM_MODULE="xim"export XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM"/usr/local/bin/scim -d &export BLOCKSIZE=1m## no bellxset b 0 0 0xset -dpmsxset s offxset s noblank## ~/bin/lock does some protections and runs slockxidle -timeout 9000 -ne -program ~/bin/lock # screen control~/bin/sctd  Termbarexec xterm -fs 12 -bg "black" -fg "grey" -name termbar -class termbar -T termbar -e ~/bin/termbar  Wallpaperfeh --bg-center ~/themes/blade-runner--wallpaper.jpg &exec cwmcleanup

My WM is cwm(1) since a truly long time and blended with termbarit fits all my wants, my cwmrc(5) appears to be like cherish:

# Autogroups for windowsautogroup       0                   "termbar,termbar"autogroup       0                   "xconsole,XConsole"autogroup       0                   "termbar,termbar"autogroup       1                   "firefox,firefox-bin"autogroup       9                   "tor-browser,tor-browser"# Add missing keybindings.bind-key        M-1                 group-only-1bind-key        M-2                 group-only-2bind-key        M-3                 group-only-3bind-key        M-4                 group-only-4bind-key        M-5                 group-only-5bind-key        M-6                 group-only-6bind-key        M-7                 group-only-7bind-key        M-8                 group-only-8bind-key        M-9                 group-only-9bind-key        MS-1                window-movetogroup-1bind-key        MS-2                window-movetogroup-2bind-key        MS-3                window-movetogroup-3bind-key        MS-4                window-movetogroup-4bind-key        MS-5                window-movetogroup-5bind-key        MS-6                window-movetogroup-6bind-key        MS-7                window-movetogroup-7bind-key        MS-8                window-movetogroup-8bind-key        MS-9                window-movetogroup-9bind-key        MS-space            window-htilebind-key        M-space             window-vtilebind-key        C-Up                pointer-move-upbind-key        C-Down              pointer-move-downbind-key        C-Right             pointer-move-rightbind-key        C-Left              pointer-move-leftbind-key        CS-Up               pointer-move-up-bigbind-keybind-key        CS-Down             pointer-move-down-bigbind-key        CS-Right            pointer-move-right-bigbind-key        CS-Left             pointer-move-left-bigbind-key        4-l                 /home/gonzalo/bin/lockbind-key        4-r                 restartbind-key        4-q                 quitbind-key        MS-Return           terminalbind-key        MS-p                menu-exec## Windowsborderwidth     4color           activeborder        '#202060'color           font                '#000000'color           selfont             '#e9ffe9'color           inactiveborder      'rgb:31/31/31'color           menubg              '#494949'color           menufg              '#202060'fontname                            "dejavu sans mono:size=12"gap                                 35 5 5 5ignore                              "termbar"command         firefox             firefoxcommand         xterm               xtermmoveamount                          4snapdist                            25sticky                              yes

And that is comely noteworthy the “core” of my configs, the leisure are doubtlessly default or some very overallchanges.

The beautiful desktop appears to be like a little cherish this:


And that is busy:

busy desktop

As a perfect imprint, I saw a form of folks following tutorials on “OpenBSD Desktops” that modified loadsof flags fully blindly without any valid test or comparability after/sooner than. About this, I would tell that my particular personis half of the workers and I didn’t alternate anything within the login class, and likewise my sysctl.conf(5)is the default with the same outdated changes cherish machdep.allowaperture=2 (Update: tb@ made me stamp that machdep.allowaperture is no longer wished anymorethanks!) or earn.inet.ip.forwarding=1,my each day laptop is a thinkpad x395.

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