Whistleblower Archbishop Vigano Refuses Vatican Summons

ROME — Primitive Vatican emissary Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has refused to obey a summons to the Vatican to face charges of schism, restating he would now not acknowledge Pope Francis as the head of the Catholic Church. “As I acknowledged in my Communiqué of June 20, I develop now not acknowledge the authority of

Whistleblower Archbishop Vigano Refuses Vatican Summons

ROME — Primitive Vatican emissary Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has refused to obey a summons to the Vatican to face charges of schism, restating he would now not acknowledge Pope Francis as the head of the Catholic Church.

“As I acknowledged in my Communiqué of June 20, I develop now not acknowledge the authority of the tribunal that claims to decide me, nor of its Prefect, nor of the one who appointed him,” Archbishop Viganò talked about in a observation.

“This resolution of mine, which is surely painful, is now not the head result of haste or a spirit of riot; but rather is dictated by the upright necessity which, as Bishop and Successor of the Apostles, obliges me in sense of right and wrong to personal judge to the Reality, that is, to God Himself, to Our Lord Jesus Christ,” he declared.

Pope Benedict XVI appointed Archbishop Viganò as Apostolic Nuncio to the US in 2011 and the archbishop served in this characteristic for five years, from 2011 to 2016.

Viganò changed into one thing of a conservative well-known person in 2018, when he printed an explosivefileaccusing Pope Francis of reinstating homosexual abuser Cardinal Theodore McCarrick to a space of prominence despite knowing of McCarrick’s serial abuse.

In his 11-page affidavit, Archbishop Viganò asserted that Pope Benedict had imposed “canonical sanctions” on Cardinal McCarrick in 2009-2010 forbidding him from traveling, celebrating Mass in public, or taking fragment in public conferences, but that Pope Francis later lifted these sanctions and made McCarrick a shut internal most advisor.

“Francis is abdicating the mandate which Christ gave to Peter to exclaim the brethren. Certainly, by his skedaddle he has divided them, led them into error, and encouraged the wolves to continue to flow apart the sheep of Christ’s flock,” Viganò acknowledged, earlier than calling on the pope to resign.

“On this extremely dramatic 2d for the fashioned Church, he must acknowledge his mistakes and, per the proclaimed precept of zero tolerance, Pope Francis must be the major to establish a shiny example for cardinals and bishops who lined up McCarrick’s abuses and resign along with all of them,” the archbishop talked about.

Over the intervening years, Viganò has continued making ever extra incendiary claims, main lots of his ragged admirers to phase systems with him. He has now not simplest rejected the authority of Pope Francis, but has also refused to secure the validity of the 2d Vatican Council (1962-1965), a important ecumenical council highly commended by Saint John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.

In June, the Vatican’s doctrinal put of work, headed by Argentinean Cardinal Víctor “Tucho” Fernández, ordered the ragged Vatican diplomat to seem in Rome to endure an extrajudicial penal trial for the crime of schism for having denied the legitimacy of Pope Francis and Vatican II.

The Code of Canon Law defines “schism” as “the withdrawal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or from communion with the contributors of the Church field to him,” declaring that a schismatic “incurs a automatic decision [automatic] excommunication.”

“I face this trial with the resolution that comes from knowing that I’d now not possess any fair to take into legend myself turn into independent from communion with the Holy Church and with the Papacy, which I possess constantly served with filial devotion and fidelity,” Viganò wrote in response.

“I could well well now not conceive of a single 2d of my existence outside this one Ark of salvation, which Windfall has constituted as the Mystical Physique of Christ, in submission to its Divine Head and to His Vicar on earth,” he added.

Because it is now not “theologically tenable” that the Church and the papacy are instruments of perdition rather then of salvation, he talked about, we must necessarily “develop that the heterodox teachings conveyed by the so-called ‘conciliar church’ and the ‘popes of the Council’ from Paul VI onwards list an anomaly that significantly calls into quiz the legitimacy of their magisterial and governing authority.”

Voice @tdwilliamsrome

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