OPINION / Political Stories: The 4T and Cruelty

How right Xóchitl was when he maintained in his pre-campaign closing speech that “The value of life is lost when the government is absolutely tiring. When it is not moved by the death of its own citizens. When the authority embraces the criminals and blames the victims. When they try to erase the disappeared with

OPINION / Political Stories: The 4T and Cruelty

How right Xóchitl was when he maintained in his pre-campaign closing speech that “The value of life is lost when the government is absolutely tiring. When it is not moved by the death of its own citizens. When the authority embraces the criminals and blames the victims. When they try to erase the disappeared with a stroke of a pen and laugh out loud at the massacres. When the government abandons the police to their fate.

When our soldiers and sailors are used to satisfy the whims of the president, leaving the people at the mercy of criminals. When the government doesn’t care that sick children die every day due to lack of medicine. When it doesn’t matter that people die in the Metro because of an incompetent ruler. Let us never forget: Mexico was the country with the most doctors and nurses killed in the pandemic.”

He then added: “This government is already responsible for the death of more than a million Mexicans, 800 thousand due to the pandemic, 175 thousand due to violence and crime, and another 120 thousand deaths due to the destruction of the health system and the shortage of medicines. More than 1 million lives lost in just 5 years. Today, Mexico is worse than any country in a state of war. Damn! With 1 million dead, how can they offer continuity?”

Xóchitl did not take into account the 43,000 missing. In other words, every hour a Mexican disappears before an apathetic society that contemplates the corpses hanging from the bridges or the dozens of massacres or the clandestine cemeteries, like a part of traditional Mexico. What an image of Mexico abroad. It is impossible to be surprised that we occupy the last places in the world in terms of corruption and rule of law.

But let us give the floor, once again, to history, whose pages are full of explanations:

The myth of the death of a million dead during the Mexican revolution is sustained thanks to the complex population counts during the decade of 1910-1920, whose figures show a decrease in a decade very close to one million Mexicans, 15,121 million inhabitants to 14,372 million in 1920. That is, the figure decreased by 750,000, plus newborns in number of 250,000, a kind of negative birth rate to the extent that the fertility rate was inhibited due to the outbreak of violence by the management of power.

If we add the combatants of both sides in the armed encounters, perhaps and only perhaps, we will find 100,000 deaths in battles and due to famines, however, the mortal enemy was the Spanish influenza virus which, according to EO Jordan , killed nearly 500,000 people in Mexico, so the mythical figure of one million deaths must be reduced to 500,000, of which migration to the United States would have to be considered to seek refuge on the other side of the border. Robert McCaa, Manuel Ordorica and José Luis Lezama estimate the total number of migrants at more or less 400,000.

It is not known precisely how many compatriots died because of the revolution, but from the mythical figure of one million, as we said, we would have to subtract the deaths from influenza and the unquestionable migration to the United States, a phenomenon greatly feared in our Washington. days, if a Cuban or Venezuelan-style communist dictatorship is installed in Mexico, in which unfortunate case, Mexicans would not seek refuge, of course, neither in Guatemala nor in Belize…

The charge of cruelty will not only fall on the already pathetic historical image of the staunch Head of the Nation, but also on those who show themselves without blushing or shame as members of the 4T and who are not horrified by the brutality or sadism that suffocates to the nation.

Conclusion? In the more than 5 years of “government” of the merciless and inefficient 4T, almost 1,100,000 Mexicans have unjustly died due to the catastrophic health management of López Obrador, who confronted it with stamps and his “stop enemy, the heart of Jesus is with me”, a panic figure that includes intentional homicides and the missing, that is, 10 times more deaths in this funereal six-year period than those who fell during the Mexican revolution, a horrific massacre between brothers that does not exceed the number of 100,000 compatriots deceased.

As Xóchitl rightly says: Who wants more “continuity”?

  • Francisco Martín Moreno is a Mexican writer and journalist who has specialized in historical novels. You can follow him at @fmartinmoreno

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