The Dangerous Pleasures of Family Gossip

A few years previously, my teenage daughter Violet despatched me a “Battle and Peace”-dimension text plump of searing actual condemnation: “Our family literally operates on an axis of drama and gossip, that is perpetuated by Nana and presumably you and your sisters.” She went on to focus on about how she and her cousins did

The Dangerous Pleasures of Family Gossip

A few years previously, my teenage daughter Violet despatched me a “Battle and Peace”-dimension text plump of searing actual condemnation: “Our family literally operates on an axis of drama and gossip, that is perpetuated by Nana and presumably you and your sisters.” She went on to focus on about how she and her cousins did not are attempting to enjoy an interest by this “adult dysfunction.”

When I be taught this newsletter I was chastened, and additionally a miniature bit amused. I in actual fact enjoy a immense family with many sisters. At any given level in the day, my mother is on the phone with one in every of us. Nonetheless were we running on “an axis of drama and gossip”? And is it so tainted if we were?

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