Putin and Migrants Ring Out 2023
The twin crises grew worse as Washington loved the vacations. The final week of the Twelve months of world disorder is believed as 2023 offered a clear reminder of the anxiousness going thru President Biden and Congress as soon as they return to work in January. To wit, the concerns at the southern border and
The twin crises grew worse as Washington loved the vacations.
The final week of the Twelve months of world disorder is believed as 2023 offered a clear reminder of the anxiousness going thru President Biden and Congress as soon as they return to work in January. To wit, the concerns at the southern border and Ukraine aren’t about to recede.
Russia resumed its bombing of Ukrainian cities with a vengeance on Friday. The drone and missile barrage was the worst in months with Kyiv counting a total of 158 fired at plenty of targets across the nation. As habitual with Russia, civilians weren’t spared. As a minimum 30 folks were killed and 160 wounded, essentially based on the Ukrainian authorities.
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