Iran-Backed Forces Widen Their Attacks on Industrial Transport

Houthis pose newest threat to Washington efforts to admire battle in Gaza Up to date Dec. 25, 2023 3:36 pm ET Escalating Iran-backed assaults against global industrial shipping within the Red Sea admire heightened stress on the Biden administration as officials go to offer protection to substitute whereas attempting to shield some distance from an

Iran-Backed Forces Widen Their Attacks on Industrial Transport

Houthis pose newest threat to Washington efforts to admire battle in Gaza

Up to date Dec. 25, 2023 3:36 pm ET

Escalating Iran-backed assaults against global industrial shipping within the Red Sea admire heightened stress on the Biden administration as officials go to offer protection to substitute whereas attempting to shield some distance from an instantaneous confrontation with Tehran.

The U.S. Navy mentioned late Saturday that two extra vessels had been attacked that day by Iranian-backed Houthi forces in Yemen, bringing the different of industrial ships attacked reach an most most well-known passageway between the Horn of Africa and the Middle East to fifteen. The Pentagon mentioned earlier within the day that a chemical tanker within the Indian Ocean used to be struck by a drone launched straight from Iran, a convey Tehran denied.

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