Uncovered: Themodus operandiof SA’s cyber crime cartels…

The chilling solutions of South Africa’s cyber crime cartels and cyber criminals are laid bare by Tiaan Lombard, a cybersecurity and intelligence expert. Talking to BizNews, he says: “If I agree with to attain accumulate accurate of entry to to, let’s name it a banking machine or a judicial machine, whatever the case could well

Uncovered: Themodus operandiof SA’s cyber crime cartels…

The chilling solutions of South Africa’s cyber crime cartels and cyber criminals are laid bare by Tiaan Lombard, a cybersecurity and intelligence expert. Talking to BizNews, he says: “If I agree with to attain accumulate accurate of entry to to, let’s name it a banking machine or a judicial machine, whatever the case could well even be, it’s a topic of entering the bank, leaving a flash drive in the bogs with a key holder and 2 keys on it that now now not identifies me and any individual somewhere is going to make a decision on that system up and stick it into their laptop. And at that 2d, you are compromised.” He says such devices could even be ordered online to commit cyber crimes. “These are executed by extremely, extremely expert, organised cartels that know that South Africa doesn’t agree with the flexibility to dwell this..”

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Summary of the interview

South Africa’s vulnerability to cybercrime is starkly exposed by Tiaan Lombard, a cybersecurity expert. Talking to BizNews, Lombard finds the chilling tactics of cybercrime cartels, including planting compromised USB drives in public places to infiltrate valuable programs. These sophisticated operations highlight South Africa’s lack of defenses in opposition to extremely organized cybercriminals. Lombard emphasizes the ease with which these devices could even be ordered online, leaving the nation at threat of devastating cyberattacks.

Prolonged transcript of the interview ___STEADY_PAYWALL___

Chris Steyn (00:01.898)

On the present time, we have shut a deep dive into the shaded world of cyber criminals and their operations in South Africa. We be in contact to Tiaan Lombard, a cybersecurity and intelligence expert. Welcome, Tiaan.

Tiaan Lombard (00:17.285)

Upright afternoon Chris, how are you?

Chris Steyn (00:19.742)

I’m gorgeous, thank you. Thanks for joining us. Allow us to open by asking you to clarify cyber crime and cybersecurity fires fleet.

Tiaan Lombard (00:31.737)

Cybercrime, cyber safety, safety is the flexibility to lock other folks out of your rental. That is the lock that you just build to your door. It’s how I provide protection to my passwords, how I maintain my community safe, my firewalls. That is what cyber safety is all about. Cybercrime is clearly, know, breaching these sorts of programs, et cetera, breaking the lock, getting accumulate accurate of entry to to, you know, to your rental.

And cyber intelligence on the diversified hand is how this info is being extinct. Where is it being extinct? How is it being extinct? What is it being extinct for? Et cetera.

Chris Steyn (01:13.982)

K, so who does cybercrime primarily and the contrivance pause they pause it?

Tiaan Lombard (01:20.566)

K, each person in that sense. What is going down is cybercrime has been dedicated by your on a conventional foundation wannabe, you know, I wanna be a hacker, I wanna be taught to hack and we can download all forms of tools, et cetera, from the Internet, you know, that affords us accumulate accurate of entry to. However there’s a extra severe ingredient to this on story of whatever is readily out there to regulation enforcement, whatever is readily out there to the standard crew outside is also readily out there to your higher criminals, your cartels, name it that, you what they’re on the present time in South Africa.

How it’s dedicated is, you know, we all take a seat at dwelling pondering, you know, who’s going to must hack me? What are you going to full with my info? And rather frankly, we’re now now not the targets in that sense. No one is de facto drawn to what you’re preserving to your laptop, no person desires to grab regarding the photos of you feeding your cat, etc. However you are also affected clearly in the kind of your industry. To be sure that you just to attain accumulate accurate of entry to to any industry or company institution or whatever institution it is out there, no person desires to hack anymore. To present you the scenario, we’ve bought: Whenever you happen to’ve bought your rental, you build a higher lock on, you know, to be sure that no-one breaks in. You build burglar proofing and electric fences, et cetera, around your rental. That is basically your safety that which you’ll want to well put into effect. And the higher the lock, the longer it takes to interrupt the lock. So your safety consultants that’s out there are mainly specializing in holding your info, holding your info, et cetera.

However the grunt comes…And most of your cybercrime is now now not dedicated by hacking. Truly, very miniature share of that is being dedicated by hacking. With on the present time, social engineering is a higher threat. If I agree with to attain accumulate accurate of entry to to, let’s name it a banking machine or a judicial machine, whatever the case could well even be, it’s a topic of entering the bank, leaving a flash drive, you know, in the bogs with a key holder and 2 keys on it that now now not identifies me and any individual somewhere is going to make a decision on that system up and stick it into their laptop. And at that 2d, you are compromised. Now, which you’ll want to also dispute these devices online. That which you’ll want to well also import them into South Africa. It’s readily out there to you, to me. Our regulation enforcement agree with bought no clue how these devices work, how they’re being packaged and shipped.

And to present you a signal, Chris, you stare upon somewhat system love this. It’s a USB communicator or a frequency modulator that you just crawl into your laptop that communicates with either a mouse or a keyboard or a mix of these two. And these are things that we utilize every day. You have shut a conventional flash drive and we as company corporations give these as gifts to other folks. We leave them lying around on tables. Esteem gifts love somewhat gentle love this. It’s somewhat gentle that’s a extremely esteem adorable present if you’re going to 1 in all these events or conferences the assign they’ve IT stuff and the guys give you a system love this as miniature fresh. However that is now now not factual a conventional system. This intention, as which you’ll want to also take a look on the pause of it, has a huge miniature head. Now we agree with got USB flash drives, which is a conventional flash drive that plugs accurate into a laptop or, as I said, know, a module that you just utilize for controlling your keyboard. And this applies to charging cables, a phone rate cable, charging cable for your devices, etc. By merely asking any individual, could also merely I borrow your charger? That system has bought what we name an OMG cable. That system is in-constructed a keyboard and the USB flash drive. And essentially the most dreadful part about that is and even that is you crawl it in. It’s an harmless gentle that you just crawl into your laptop. However constructed into that is a keyboard that the 2d you crawl it in, there’s no safety to your to your laptop to your machine that says, hear, any individual is making an strive to accumulate accurate of entry to your laptop on story of you because the patron must utilize a keyboard to log into your laptop.

Tiaan Lombard (06:05.78)

And the 2d I build this system into my laptop, that is a constructed-in miniature keyboard that sends commands to the laptop that I’m logged into. So I don’t must anymore smash into that laptop by external mechanisms, breaking the community, going by firewalls. I already agree with a consumer in the bank, in the judicial machine, in the police, wherever, that has already bought accumulate accurate of entry to to that machine.

And all I wanted to full became once give him a system to crawl in. I’m now logged in along with his credentials. I’m logged in with him having accumulate accurate of entry to to that laptop. And the threat is that, as I said, these things could even be ordered online. They promote them for a few hundred bucks online. That which you’ll want to well also aquire them on eBay, et cetera. We import them into South Africa and we’re the utilize of them for malicious utilize.

The problem here comes, it is now now not the on a conventional foundation individual that desires to seem what his wife is doing or, you know, have shut a take a study, as I said, your cat’s photos. These are criminals, very, very severe criminals that know what the hazards of these things are and straight forward the very best technique to utilize them. Having accumulate accurate of entry to to your laptop the 2d you crawl this part in or the USB flash drive. It’s a keyboard that now sends commands to your laptop and the laptop thinks it’s you sending these commands by a keyboard. That implies I agree with now bought rotund maintain a watch on of your laptop machine. I’ve bought rotund maintain a watch on of your whole laptop. I’ve bought accumulate accurate of entry to to your emails, I’ve bought accumulate accurate of entry to if you’ve bought kept to your laptop or your browser, your facts about your login facts. I’ve bought all that info. I’ve bought accumulate accurate of entry to to your Fb, whatever you utilize your laptop for.

I agree with accumulate accurate of entry to to that. And that’s the assign the hazards are lying. Now this in fact similar info, clearly, as I said, is being extinct by extra dreadful other folks love the cyber criminals, et cetera, and your cartels, presently the very best grunt in South Africa.

Chris Steyn (08:17.822)

Now, accurate by which industries in South Africa are they most packed with life?

Tiaan Lombard (08:26.611)

All industries, all industries in South Africa is affected. That which you’ll want to well also must realize that, as I said, if you’ve bought a rental and likewise you build a lock to your rental, there’s repeatedly any individual searching for to interrupt in. There’s repeatedly any individual searching for to carry shut your TV or your bicycle or whatever it is that they can promote for money.

The problem here is that the cost that which you’ll want to well be also now pause…it is advisable to think our whole lives on the present time is electronic: our communications, our phones, our laptop programs, the whole lot on the present time is electronics. And the hazards with that is that it being electronic, we can shut down energy stations. It’s been executed with Stuxnet on, you know, infiltrating your hardware to your laptop, you know, making it hard for you to in fact be as much as speed. Because if the laptop tells you, you know, the cooler is running, the temperature is ultimate, the whole lot is sufficient. We hear to that laptop and we damage our selections based fully mostly on what the laptop tells us. So if it tells us, you know, the programs are all running gorgeous. So long as it’s running gorgeous, I’m gorgeous. Taking maintain a watch on of your hardware to your phone. Your phone could even be switched on remotely. Your microphone could even be switched on remotely. Your digital camera could even be switched on remotely. Every thing could even be executed remotely now to your phone. Your phone is factual as huge a threat on story of it’s factual one other laptop. For that topic, a banking terminal is one other laptop. An ATM is one other laptop. So these are all devices that’s with out grief tormented by cybercrime. So it is taking in every facet it’s going down.

We’ve bought it in Home Affairs. As I said, you have shut a replica person being registered on Home Affairs. That replica person is now roaming around in South Africa as a whole diversified person. The face could well even be the similar and that person is roaming around either with your info or with a fully sleek identification created, committing crime and then vanishing in the woodwork on story of that person doesn’t in fact exist. It’s a ghost on Home Affairs.

Tiaan Lombard (10:50.988)

We glance this predominantly in NSFAS, the Nationwide Pupil Financial Aid Blueprint, whereby you’ve got ghost students created on Home Affairs platforms the assign this person is alive, is a re al person, he’s bought a title, he’s registered, and as long as that criteria is met, the Nationwide Pupil Financial Aid Blueprint will fund him. It’s going down in our universities, it is going down in every facet.

An infinite grunt, let’s assume, is if you stare upon your Puny Claims courts and these form of courts the assign there’s a miniature dispute. I owe you a hundred rand and likewise you have shut me to the Puny Claims Court docket. The Puny Claims Court docket says can I please agree with the evidence? Can you please build this info for me on a flash drive? And you’ve bought two other folks combating over a hundred rand.

However the intent is now now not a hundred gargantuan. The courtroom will affirm, wisely, Tiaan, give Chris, a hundred gargantuan, you owe her, we chanced on you responsible, so please pay her. affirm, However earlier than the trial, I’ve already loaded the total info making an strive to fight my miniature case onto a flash drive, which I’ve given the judicial machine. And the Magistrate, the Deem, the Master, whoever it is, plugs that system into his laptop, your judicial machine is compromised.

That which you’ll want to well also imagine what accumulate accurate of entry to you’ve got if I’ve bought the flexibility to manipulate evidence, if I’ve bought the flexibility manipulate to break evidence tear away or to fabricate evidence. And that’s the assign your huge crime comes in.

Chris Steyn (12:36.48)

So how in total pause you’re thinking that is going down, Tiaan?

Tiaan Lombard (12:42.956)

It’s going down permanently. That which you’ll want to well also must realize laptop programs agree with the flexibility to process 24/7. Your banking services, your community accumulate accurate of entry to, wherever you’re communicating to, there is a permanent online availability. And as long as a laptop is turned on, that laptop has bought the ability to be utilised.

By manner of gains, let’s name it brute drive hacking, the assign you infiltrate the machine, you load somewhat programme on three or four servers, and these four servers will attack a enlighten purpose. Whether or now now not it’s for being denial of carrier attacks, or whether it is being hacking that machine with repeatedly sending sleek passwords to test out and be triumphant in accumulate accurate of entry to, a laptop has the flexibility to full this 24/7.

Folk tear to sleep. We tear to work in the morning from eight except five, you work, nonetheless it only takes two seconds to make a decision on that system up, build it into your laptop, and that from there on, it infects every diversified laptop around you and it infects every diversified community, reckoning on what it is the criminal desires to full.

So it is going down manner extra in total than any diversified crime in South Africa, preserving in mind that our whole lives are now centered around abilities, are centered around programs and laptop programs info. It’s now now not factual here’s a rental anymore, I will smash in, I have shut the TV and the TV is gone. That which you’ll want to well also have shut loads of TVs over and over and over in the similar rental by having accumulate accurate of entry to on these programs.

The threat in cybercrime is unparalleled, unparalleled, unparalleled elevated. It’s unparalleled extra frequent than any diversified crime on story of it affects, initially, as I said, taking my whole lifestyles is on laptop, is on electronic programs, is on databases, et cetera. And these, all this info is permanently being accessed by criminals, by programs and the utilize of it for their very possess income, now now not essentially repeatedly exposing themselves.

Chris Steyn (15:14.464)

So, yeah, affirm to us how that is affecting South Africa and its residents.

Tiaan Lombard (15:22.953)

On a non-public level, we all take a seat encourage and we affirm, you know, it would’t touch me. It’s no person’s in fact drawn to my, in what’s happening on my laptop. No one’s in fact drawn to me having a conversation with my mother on the phone. However from a citizen point of look, as I said, you are the person going into the bogs, picking up the flash drive, sticking that into your laptop. That which you’ll want to well be the person receiving the flash drive, the phone charging cable, somewhat esteem system love this, you are the person receiving that and likewise you are merely a instrument in the middle of this whole operation. After getting got been compromised and likewise you don’t even know you’ve been compromised, you’ve got now plugged that system accurate into a machine. Whether or now now not it’s a banking machine, whether it’s on the Division of Justice, wherever you’ve plugged that in, that whole machine, that whole organisation has been compromised. And that’s the contrivance it’s affecting us.

As in a non-public level now now not that unparalleled. I’m only being extinct, but in phrases of the programs in South Africa, we’re now taking a take a study judicial, we’re taking a take a study police, we’re taking a take a study training, we’re taking a take a study monetary programs, we’re taking a take a study what operates this country, what runs this country. And on the present time the total country depends on abilities. We count on laptop programs, we count on databases. Our courts count on laptop programs. Our industries count on electronics managing these devices, whether it be in PLCs or…

Every thing is tormented by cybercrime, bringing South Africa accurate into a extremely, very severe gentle ensuing from…Taking our monetary machine, instance, South Africa is one in all the very best international locations in the field in phrases of our banking machine. So we agree with got the abilities in South Africa with our banking programs, with our esteem abilities that we’ve bought. However as correct as we’re with, you know, executing all these esteem technologies and programs that we’ve bought, we’ve also bought these very similar criminals in South Africa utilising that info or that.

Tiaan Lombard (17:44.073)

And the grunt is that they’re extra at threat of the utilize of it than what our judicial machine is ready to fight this. We as a police, we already know what the housebreakings gaze love. Any policeman knows straightforward the very best technique to contend with a housebreaking. However the 2d you enter accurate into a cyber conflict, the assign you’ve bought cyber crimes being dedicated, 90% of our police pause now now not know how that crime has been dedicated.

I had been, you know, in loads of cases the assign I’ve testified in varied, you know, forums or judicial or like minded programs the assign I’ve, you know, been a gaze, expert gaze. You in a brief time realise that the Magistrate, the Deem sitting there, the Commissioner sitting there doesn’t agree with a clue what cybercrime is. You in total agree with a case the assign the Prosecutor doesn’t realize how this took disclose, what took disclose. After which making an strive to sign to the Magistrate or the Deem or these guys what exactly took disclose, how this took disclose, that turns into very hard.

Chris Steyn (19:03.808)

Where does this leave South Africa in the field look? We’ve been Gray-listed. How does cyber crime hyperlink to our Gray-list,or does it?

Tiaan Lombard (19:15.417)

Fully does, yes. Whenever you happen to stare upon South Africa presently, we’re a country that is recognised worldwide at this 2d as a country from which most of our monetary crimes are taking disclose. Let’s have shut a take a study online crimes. That which you’ll want to well even agree with bought so many online scams, let’s assume, happening, whereby other folks are asking for your credit score card facts or, you know, make investments in this design or make investments in that design. The firm, you know, is online for about a days, about a months, about a weeks except they accumulate caught out, but they fade in no time.

And these form of crimes, if we stare upon, you know, the MTI, you know, the Ponzi, the schemes, the… the total diversified crimes going down in South Africa are originating in South Africa.

And the relaxation of the field is taking a take a study South Africa and announcing, dangle on, you know, there’s heaps of of monetary crimes going down here. Now, making this worse is you’re sitting with a judicial machine that desires to fight this. When the judicial machine doesn’t realize this, it’s now now not going to assist either. If the policing doesn’t realize this, it’s now now not going to assist. By now now not being ready to fight it.

in phrases of cyber safety, we’ve bought what we name a Crimson Team and a Blue Team. Your Crimson Team can be the person making an strive to attack a machine, be triumphant in accumulate accurate of entry to to the machine, and the Blue Team would basically be the person making an strive to withhold you out. That is your cyber safety expert, radiant the assign to search out you, straightforward the very best technique to ticket you. And if you stare upon the Crimson Team, Blue Team scenario, South Africa presently is a Crimson Team. We are presently infiltrating the field. We are the utilize of South Africa as a platform or…as you know, we’ve bought the total vivid programs in disclose. We’ve bought devoted online 24/7 info centres. I stare upon African international locations now now not having essentially all these, you know, abilities and technologies or info centre functionality internet internet hosting in South Africa. That tells you the contrivance South Africa’s infrastructure is.

Tiaan Lombard (21:38.442)

Now, if we as South Africans are sitting here, and the utilize of our abilities worldwide. Online is worldwide. If I play something online, you’re going to pay with your credit score card online, I’ve bought your credit score card facts. I’ve taken your money, no 1, and quantity two, I’ve bought your credit score card facts. There on forth, I will pause whatever I agree with to with it. The problem is these are now now not factual being executed by miniature contributors. These are now now not executed by non-public contributors. These are executed by extremely, extremely expert, organised cartels that knows that South Africa doesn’t agree with the flexibility to dwell this. We know that South Africa doesn’t agree with the solutions in fact in our policing machine, judicial machine, et cetera, you to strive in opposition to this.

And we’re the utilize of this infrastructure and abilities that we agree with got in South Africa to in fact tear out there and as much as the moment ourselves to the field and announcing, wisely, here’s a possibility for us to break money on crime worldwide. After which the grunt is now now not being ready to dwell that. So the relaxation of the field looks at South Africa and says, OK, yes, we know there’s a cybercrime grunt or there’s a monetary crime grunt. There’s difficulties in that country. So we Gray-list them. Being Gray-listed means that straight affects me as a citizen. It affects you. The repo rate goes up, taxes are being elevated, etc. And we on the pause of the day are paying for it with out in fact radiant that I became once fervent finally by factual sticking a flash drive into my laptop.

Chris Steyn (23:18.048)

So are you announcing that our most gentle info as contributors and essentially the most gentle info in the judicial and in the correct and in the policing programs and in Home Affairs, it’s all compromised? Unsafe.

Tiaan Lombard (23:35.006)

Fully, fully, it’s compromised. Initially, on story of we pause now now not in fact realize how this took disclose in 90% of the circumstances, we pause now now not even know that it’s took disclose. That which you’ll want to well also must realize the tiresome criminal goes in, steals your credit score card info and goes and put it to use and buys himself a toy, whatever the case is, and he’s obtained once. The smarter criminal doesn’t negate you, he doesn’t assist you know he’s bought your info and he’s going to utilize that info, you know, on a higher scale to accumulate accurate of entry to every facet of your lifestyles to be ready to, you know, commit these crimes. And the grunt is, as I said, we all bring to mind crime affecting me. It’s now now not factual affecting m e as a person, it is affecting organisations, establishments, the these that we have confidence with our info. That is the assign it’s the worst attain.

Chris Steyn (24:34.752)

What is basically the most detrimental case of cyber crime that you just personally know of, if which you’ll want to also inform us?

Tiaan Lombard (24:48.444)

One in all essentially the most typical ones we know of is, and it’s now now not that unparalleled, one in all essentially the most typical ones that’s already publicly known is NSFAS, the Nationwide Pupil Financial Aid Blueprint. We’re sitting with ghost students. Now which you’ll want to also imagine on the 41 billion Rand funds, if a fragment of these students…now let’s factual stare upon the assign’s the money going to, repeatedly put together the float of cash. You think, it’s now now not the pupil popping out committing this crime.

Tiaan Lombard (25:18.33)

You advance out of school, you’ve bought Matric, you now must tear to varsity and likewise it is advisable to must gaze. So that you just as a pupil pause now now not in fact agree with the flexibility or you don’t agree with the total connections in let’s affirm Home Affairs, in this class, in universities, et cetera. You don’t agree with all these connections as a pupil. However now you’re sitting with a cartel that can have shut this opportunity when the 2d you tear for your ID, you know, we’re going to present you two IDs. We’re going to present you the similar affirm, little distinction to your title, diversified ID quantity, and likewise you’re alive. Now you’ve bought two ID numbers. You’re going to carry shut these two ID numbers and likewise you’re going to tear to the university. You’re going to apply to be accredited on the university. Now for both these ID numbers to be accredited on the university, you’d like any individual there to assist you. Even as you’ve been accredited on the university, which you’ll want to also now tear to the Nationwide Pupil Financial Aid Blueprint and affirm, please, can I agree with some money to sponsor me? I’m going to wish any individual there to also, you know, assist me with that. However as I said, the assign does that money tear? A fragment goes to sustenance, transportation, books, training. However the bulk of that funds goes in direction of lodging. So now you’ve bought an lodging drive the assign whoever started this desires to agree with accumulate accurate of entry to, he desires to agree with any individual at Home Affairs to lend a hand in creating the ID. He desires to agree with any individual in the university to permit the pupil to gaze on two or three or four or five or loads of IDs. The similar applies for the funding and the similar applies now, clearly, on story of that fund in the raze ends up at some lodging disclose or some disclose. Now, from what we know already, you’ve bought all these organisations making, you know, borrowing that money out, we’re speaking heaps of of millions, the utilize of it to borrow money out. We’ve bought, we’re attentive to buildings being bought, broad buildings being bought, then being utilised encourage into the machine to rent it out for added lodging. So it’s a huge money-making part. That is factual one instance that is a college or the Nationwide Financial Aid design, Pupil design. So the…

Tiaan Lombard (27:40.449)

That is one instance. Whenever you happen to stare upon how cartels are the utilize of this even in getting accumulate accurate of entry to to info of a criminal being investigated, let’s assume, by the police. Let’s affirm the Hawks is investigating me for some or one other cybercrime. You now agree with criminal cartels coming in, making utilize of this info, having accumulate accurate of entry to to programs and the utilize of that info to either tear after you, liquidate you; they did now accumulate sure accumulate accurate of entry to to every criminal ingredient that you just’ve got got had as a criminal. They’ve bought accumulate accurate of entry to to your connections. They’ve bought accumulate accurate of entry to to your pals in that world, whether it is being leaking your bank assertion, whether it is being discovering info that they must mute now now not accumulate on you. You’ve now bought accumulate accurate of entry to to diversified criminal networks and that’s what your cartels are rising on, is the flexibility to search out these substances in the society that has bought sure accesses and they are going to purpose them, infiltrate them, utilize that info in opposition to them, whether it is for blackmail, whether it is for whatever malicious intent.

The criminals that we’ve in South Africa, as I said, isn’t any longer, you know, any individual factual making an strive to carry shut your info. We all agree with the postulate that hacking is any individual hacking into my bank story and stealing my money. That doesn’t happen to us. Our monetary establishments are stable. Our monetary programs are stable. It’s the whole lot around that that is now being manipulated, utilised, extinct by very severe criminals who knows that South Africa doesn’t agree with the flexibility to dwell this.

Chris Steyn (29:44.Seventy nine)

That’s what I became once going to quiz you. What could even be executed to dwell it, or mitigate it a minimum of?

Tiaan Lombard (29:52.183)

Yeah, that’s it. That’s a…it’s going to must open with regulation. There’s loads of regulation that’s been created. We stare upon, you know, the the Digital Communications and Transactions Act of 1998. We stare upon, you know, RICA. Most other folks don’t realize why they RICA. The ICA in the RICA is Interception of Communications Act. It affords, you give the manager

permission to accumulate accurate of entry to your communications, your programs, anything else, affirm a phone name if need be. Now, you’re sitting with a self-discipline the assign in the event that they’ve accumulate accurate of entry to to that, each person else has accumulate accurate of entry to to that.

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